I truly wish I were brave enough to try out any of these mods for myself. I mean, a video projector comes out of the eye socket (Princess Leia message style) what the hell more do you want?! Yes it’s older and been floating around the internet for a while, but that doesn’t make it any less awesome. But for those of you who want to go full-out nerdy (I mean balls to the wall, possibly live in your parent’s basement kind of geeky), may I suggest the R2-D2 mod: Clearly any of these mods could easily spruce up an otherwise boring entertainment center. Honestly, there are tons of great mods here, but there’s something about that Super Nintoaster that keeps catching my eye. Okay, so it’s hard to think of this generation of consoles as old and outdated, but what about the retro consoles in your life? Fortunately, if you’ve still got your older consoles lying around (as I do) then perhaps some of these mods will be more to your taste. Maybe your decor is more superhero focused, then the Iron Man Xbox would be better suited, but there’s plenty of options still for any game franchises you may collect or decorate with. Since I’m such a collector at heart, I always enjoy the case mods, that look like they add to whatever your passion is, which many of the ones I’ve showcased here do. The 360 has gone through some various iterations of it’s own, but it’s naturally big blocky shape has made it popular amongst case modders out there. There’s a lot of ways to keep your ‘old’ console looking fresh. I mean really, can you think of a better way to play the Bioshock games than with that Steampunk styled mod? Nor can you deny the awesomeness of the detailed Haze mod either. Sony’s console has undergone quite a few transformations all on it’s own over the years, but that doesn’t mean you still can’t take it a few steps further. While you may not be using that console anymore, it can at the least look damn cool on your shelf! Fans of the Mario and Metroid franchise have much to be envious about, however, with those mods. While there weren’t any good Star Wars games released for the system (sadly), I’m partial to the Star Wars Wii. Nintendo’s little motion-controlled system, might not seem the best candidate for modding, but obviously that’s not the case.

While some may argue that I might as well include the Wii U in here (not seeing it as “true” next-gen), I disagree, so I’m kicking things off with some Wii mods.